with customized/original music!
Over the years, David has worked with key-note speakers, podcasters, and even religious preachers. His long years of studio experience with professional audio production, sound engineering, and the spoken word genre transformed him into a highly reliable professional podcast producer/editor
David's Podcast Production comes with a rare and special package; Customized Original Theme Music!
David studies the style and mood of his client's podcast and would compose an original soundtrack/theme song customized for that particular podcast, thereby making it the only podcast in the entire world using that soundtrack/theme song.
In an era where podcasters and producers depend on already made soundtracks from public music data banks thereby choosing any music that could easily be heard on another podcast, David 'Customized/Original Music' is an exclusive game-changer that makes the Podcast stand out from the rest.
One of David's favorite projects includes producing/editing the podcasts for
Blue Line Child Crisis Foundation (KEK VONAL, the official Hungarian child crisis organization) which receives a prolific number of approx. 45.000 (forty-five thousand) help-line calls in a year.